Virtual i Technologies joins the Insurlab Germany Network

Virtual i Technologies has joined the Insurlab Germany Network. As a growing insurtech startup focusing on innovative insurance and risk engineering solutions, Virtual i Technologies aims to share innovative and disruptive ideas and products in the DACH region.

Within Insurlab Germany as a network of startups and insurance companies, our aim is to share our expertise with new partners, learn from them and grow together. As one of such networking opportunities, Virtual i Technologies sponsored and attended InsureNXT Germany 2022. In this event, Virtual i Technologies team had a pitch presentation “Explore The New Competitive Edge; 100% Risk & Claim Visibility in Insurance” and showed the insurance players in DACH region how 100% Risk & Claim Visibility is possible, reachable and affordable.

With our flagship product [VRS]™ Virtual Risk space, Virtual i Technologies aims to be a part of the digital transformation in the insurance industry in the DACH region. One of the biggest concerns, especially in the region, for digital transformation is data security. With its emphasis on cyber security and GDPR compliant system [VRS]™ Virtual Risk Space will quicken the digital transformation in insurance. Virtual i Technologies is also aware that every region and country may have different requirements and foci for their reports. [VRS]™ has customizable and instant risk reports that will be suitable to each and every need.

Insurlab Germany

The industry initiative InsurLab Germany was founded in 2017 by the City of Cologne, IHK Cologne, University of Cologne, TH Cologne, established insurance companies and startups. The aim of InsurLab Germany is to promote innovation and digitization in the insurance industry in order to actively shape the future of the industry with new impulses and ways of working. InsurLab Germany forms the competence location InsurTech in Cologne in the Digital Hub Initiative set up by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. Meanwhile 88 members belong to the association. These include many well-known insurers, universities, leading service providers and startups.

Insurlab Germany is the largest insurTech startup network in Germany. Insurlab provides events, accelerator programs and networking programs with insurance companies. They organize the expo insureNXT yearly and create opportunities for insurtech startups to meet with biggest insurance companies in Europe.

[VRS]™ Virtual Risk Space

[VRS]™ Virtual Risk Space provides AI-backed risk scoring and artificial underwriting intelligence. Start your digital transformation and get access to affordable scientific risk reporting and remote surveying. Claim your free trial today.

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