What does putting all your eggs in one basket look like?
We’re in a hotel. The plant & equipment room is in a basement below the luxurious main building. This room has a single door, which is only accessible via a pedestrian pathway outside the rear of the building. It houses the hotel’s air conditioning chillers, water supply pumps, firewater pumps and electrical distribution boards. There is a diesel tank and diesel-driven firewater pump in there too. And there are no no sprinklers to contain a fire.
This is a good example of where a lot of eggs have been put into one basket, almost certainly unknowingly. If a fire started in that room today it would likely escalate and destroy everything inside. That would mean no electricity, water or air conditioning, potentially for a long time. And that means no hotel business.
This was discovered during a remote survey using our [VRS] VirtualRiskSpace platform at a hotel resort in India. The property underwriter could never have known this without the survey, and even the hotel owner didn’t have an appreciation of this exposure.
Seeing this allowed everyone to understand the risk, take immediate steps to mitigate it – including developing a pre-incident plan and hosting emergency drills aligned to NFPA 1620 – and take the necessary long-term steps to reduce the underlying risk by funding a project to install automatic protection.
Assess before you insure, with [VRS] VirtualRiskSpace from Virtual i Technologies